Burial or interment

After a death, the mortal remains may be buried in the cemetery. This type of funeral is known as a burial or interment.Your Europe

You can organise the funeral yourself or hire a funeral director. Funeral directors take care of the entire organisation and administration of the burial. You can find all the information you need about funeral directors in Belgium at funebra.be.

Request for burial

To bury a deceased person, you need authorisation from the civil registrar in the municipality where the person died.

The funeral director usually handles this request and arranges transport of the mortal remains to the cemetery.

For a funeral or burial, the following documents must be produced:

•    a death certificate, signed by the doctor who certified the death. 
•    In the event of a violent or suspicious death, a burial permit from the public prosecutor is also required.


If you wish the mortal remains to remain buried for a specific period, you must apply for a plot. The duration of the plot is set by the local authority, with a maximum duration of 50 years.

If you do not apply for a plot, the grave can be removed after 10 years.

A burial plot must be requested from the local authority in the commune where the remains are to be buried. After payment to the commune, the plot is granted. The cost varies by municipality. 

When the burial plot comes to an end, the grave is removed. Renewals are possible.

For more information, contact the registry office of the commune where the body is to be buried or a funeral director.

For more information, contact the civil registry department of your municipality or visit these websites:


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Updated on 18 August 2023


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