The Flemish Community exercises its powers in the Flemish provinces and in Brussels.
The Flemish Parliament and the Flemish Government exercise the legislative powers of the Flemish Community. The Flemish Parliament consists of all the Council members directly elected in the Flemish Region and the six Dutch-speaking members of the Brussels-Capital Parliament. The 6 also directly elected Flemish members of the Parliament, together with the 118 Council members, make up the 124-strong Flemish Parliament.
In order to prevent that the number of members of parliament should increase excessively, at the beginning, the institutions of the Flemish Community and the Flemish Region were merged. One Parliament and one Government exercise both the regional and the community powers. It should be borne in mind that the six elected members of the Council of the Brussels-Capital Region do not take part in the voting on decrees by the Flemish Region.
The Flemish Parliament votes on decrees: these are the laws of the Flemish Community and the Flemish Region.
The Government of the Flemish Community exercises the executive power and consists of a maximum of ten Ministers, and one Minister-President.
At least one Minister must reside in the Brussels-Capital Region. Please note that the Brussels Minister(s) who is/are member(s) of the Flemish Community Government, do(es) not take part in the decisions relating to the powers of the Flemish Region.
The other Communities in our country are the German-speaking Community and the French Community.
Both the Parliament and the Ministry of the Flemish Community have their own information services and an official web site.